Sweet Potato Chili
If you are like me, you are counting the days until summer. You know how much I love Maine. This year, we decided that one trip just wasn’t enough…so we’re escaping in June and then going back again in September. If you saw my last post, you’ll know that I am working a book, so […]
Eggplant “meatballs”
With the holidays just around the corner, I am sure that you are starting to freak out over what to serve for your holiday cocktail party, work potluck or what to serve when your favorite vegetarian comes to dinner. I have been playing around with some recipes to make eggplant into “meatballs” (without the meat). […]
Shakshuka [shahk-SHOO-kah] originally comes from North Africa. A Tunisian dish with eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce. In my research of the history of this dish, it turns out that it is also popular in Israel, where they eat it for breakfast. Each country seems to have its own variation. This is a new […]
Summer cooking
I haven’t shared a recipe in a while. Last night, I was looking to create something tasty, satisfying with some summer colors and flavors. Simply steam asparagus and top with poached eggs (soft boiled or fried work too). I added some beautiful sweet cherry tomatoes from the farmers market and a bit of avocado. Pepper, […]
Carrot Orange Ginger Soup
When I wake up on Saturday mornings, the first thing I think of is getting to the farmers market (well, after my coffee). Wandering the stalls to chat with the vendors and see the freshest produce of the season. This week, baskets of carrots caught my eye and making a soup came to mind. Sometimes not having […]
This past weekend at my neighborhood farmer’s market, the strawberries were perfection. Perfectly ripe. Sweet as candy. I could smell the fragrance from aisles away. I think that I was so intoxicated by the smell and taste – I ended up purchasing an entire flat (12 baskets). Strawberries for breakfast, strawberries for a snack, freezing […]
To really know me well, you have to know that I love goat cheese (or chèvre or whatever you want to call it.) I love the tart flavor and consistency. When I found out that I could tour a goat cheese farm in the French countryside, I was beside myself. As you can see from […]
I have been back in the kitchen again lately. The chill in the air makes me want to stay in and just be cozy. For a while I have been making ricotta gnocchi. But I wanted to change it up a bit. I noticed sweet potatoes the other day at the farmers market, and thought […]
I have been back in the kitchen lately. Experimenting and playing around. My latest creation is sort of a twist on homemade pasta. I don’t really have the patience to make fresh pasta dough – so my solution is to pick up already made flat sheets at my local pasta shop. You can […]
People often ask where I learned to cook. My grandmother and mother were both amazing cooks and I have such fond memories of time spent with them in the kitchen as a child. When I was a teenager, one of my best friends in New York did a lot of catering for events and […]